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Meet our 2023 Employee Champions

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Saloni Behl
Marci English
Dr. Stephanie Fradette
Katrin Hofer
Anthony Orth
Dr. Anu Osinusi
Tracy Sims
Justin Sperry
Kimberly Storino
Helen Tarleton
Dr. Yesmean Wahdan
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Issue Lab

Every day, more than 1,000,000 biopharmaceutical industry employees across the United States work to research, develop and manufacture lifesaving medicines and treatments. It is important to have public policies that encourage and support continued medical innovation, while also improving patient access to affordable medicines. 

We aim to protect access, innovation and jobs. - Image

We aim to protect access, innovation and jobs.

Unfortunately, some policymakers have proposed policies that would chill investment in science, threaten access to medicines and put jobs at risk.

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Employee Champions

Meet the recipients of the 2022 Employee Champions Awards. This award recognizes individuals who strive to advance science and support innovation so that patients around the world can get the medicines and treatments they need.

Saloni Behl Trophy Icon

Saloni Behl

Senior Director, Development Team Leader of Global Clinical Development

Marci English Trophy Icon

Marci English

Vice President, Head of BioPharma Development

Dr. Stephanie Fradette Trophy Icon

Dr. Stephanie Fradette

Sr. Medical Director, Clinical Development

Katrin Hofer Trophy Icon

Katrin Hofer

Principal Scientist II, Pharmacology Research GTx

Anthony Orth Trophy Icon

Anthony Orth

Director, CBT Genomic Science

Dr. Anu Osinusi Trophy Icon

Dr. Anu Osinusi

Vice President, Clinical Development
Gilead Sciences

Tracy Sims Trophy Icon

Tracy Sims

Executive Director Lilly Diabetes and Lilly USA Communications
Eli Lilly and Company

Justin Sperry Trophy Icon

Justin Sperry

VP, BTxPS Transformational Technology St. Louis, MO Site Lead, Pfizer Research & Development

Kimberly Storino Trophy Icon

Kimberly Storino

Head, U.S. IRA Planning and Implementation

Helen Tarleton Trophy Icon

Helen Tarleton

Director, U.S. Employee and Community Engagement

Dr. Yesmean Wahdan Trophy Icon

Dr. Yesmean Wahdan

Vice President Medical Affairs, Bayer’s Women HealthCare Division